(95) minutes of breeze
I realized that the last time i wrote a post for my blog was ages ago, I blame my procrastinating nature and constantly thinking whether or not I can finally finish a post(since I usually take AWHILE to finish my post,don't ask me why but I'm just weird in that sense). Anyway,I finally shook some sense into myself and decided: I have to write a new post tonight!..This rather impulsive decision came to me during the last few minutes of watching (500) days of summer..The movie was brilliant,bittersweet and surprisingly, revealing reality rather than idealistic notions. I'm usually a sucker for happy endings (I recalled bitching about some movie to my friends just cos my favorite characters in that particular movie didn't end up with each other..yup,I can be THAT unreasonable..hehehe). Anyway, the main objective of this post is to share a few anecdotes from (500) days of summer:
(1) "Life is full of coincidences"...this is something I see everyday, it was purely coincidental that I found out from Haziq,who happened to have dinner at Erwan's the night before, that Erwan thought our compsci225 assignment was due Thursday instead of Tuesday..Thank God we managed to inform him otherwise
(2)"If something's meant to be,it's not gonna be complicated"...I've heard stories and watched how some people worked and fought so hard to keep their loved ones(i.e keep the relationship going)..and I'm constantly wondering whether it was all worth it..watching the movie,I came to this pessimistic conclusion: if something is too hard to endure, then it's not for you.Simple as that
(3)"What you observed in front of you is what your mind wants you to see"...damn I sound like one of those weird tarot card readers/fortune tellers in carnivals and what not..but the statement is indeed a fact..In the movie,Tom(Joseph Gordon-Levitt) went to his favourite spot almost everyday..a girl said to him:"You looked familiar,have I seen you around somewhere?"
Tom: "Nope,don't think so"
Girl: "I think I saw you at______(Tom's favourite spot)"
Tom: "Yup, that's like my favorite spot in the city. I haven't you around though"
Girl:"Maybe you weren't looking"
Watching the scene played out,I suddenly realized that it's one of those casualties that people tend to do subconsciously..I should open my mind to other views and perspective.
(4)"Never settle for something that's just 'okay'" ...they are very few people in this world that has the privilege of doing what they really want. All through my 22 years of living, I've found that I chose the easy way out most of the time..in other words,I settled..There are some regrets and some what ifs..who knows what would've happened if i were to do things differently?..I've decided to hold on tighter to my dreams from now on,no regrets +no more what ifs
(5)"The ending might not be the ending you want but it's certainly the ending you need to see"
I want a lot of things in life but the chances of me actually getting every single one is almost zero.zip.nada but I have keep reminding myself that Allah SWT knows best and that sometimes what I want might be bad for me ergo, I've been put out of misery by God.I should be more optimistic.
All things S,Y,A,Q
- syaq_kirah
- Currently pursuing a Math degree at University of Auckland.An ordinary girl with HUGE dreams. Screw love,all you need is D-R-E-A-M.
A great movie. just what we students need to relax our mind a bit after weeks of hard work. *hard la sangat* haha
Hehehe..I totally agree,shahir!I luv this movie:)
Sounds like a very inspiring movie:)
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