Note to Self (18th December 2008)
1. Ive gotta learn how to make the authentic fish curry..attempted to do it three times..not even one came close to the one my mum made today,darn yummy...
2. I realized that my appetite can be switched off automatically whenever I'm upset, I even turn down curly fries from my cousin..and anyone close to me knows how much i worship fries.
3. First impressions can be deceiving..the person may appear to be mean at first but within a space of a few hours,she can share with you the best hair treatment and cost cutting tricks that she have up her sleeves..
4. Being short means that you cant wear long MNG trench coat that feels soo good when you tried it'll just make you appear even shorter
5. Facial hair threading in Bahrain is a well-known thing even the Arab guys are doing it..
6. Making someone else smile will make you smile as well..treating your sisters may give you this kind of effect
7. Curly-ish and wavy-ish hairstyle can volumize your certainly helped my hair
8. When you care a lot about someone,you'll try very hard to make them feel cant help but feel disappointed when they still feel shitty
9. I immediately feel guilty after I get angry at my little brother..Ive gotta to remember to say sorry to him
10. Life's too short to stay mad/pissed/annoyed..we constantly have to find ways/things /people that can make us happy
All things S,Y,A,Q
- syaq_kirah
- Currently pursuing a Math degree at University of Auckland.An ordinary girl with HUGE dreams. Screw love,all you need is D-R-E-A-M.
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